Individual data are saved in sub1-sub18 directry. contents of individual directory functional_sess1,2 raw and preprocessed data for SPM5 structure structural images for SPM5 sub*_s1.mat (_s2.mat) design file for SPM5 analysis ARrslt SPM5 results files PPI.Hmax_ind_all_AB_CD.rslt SPM5 PPI results files DTI Individual DTI data.The format is nifti. The strucutural image in same space are also provided in the same directry. 'design' directory contains texts for experimental designs. 1st column experimental conditions. 1-4 conditions A-D, 5 condition F. 6-10 conditions A-F with questions. 2nd column stimuli onset in sec 3rd column stimuli duration in sec 4th column not used. always 1. Brodmann_Left44_45_Cyto30%_mask Mask image used for VOI analysis. cytoarchitectonically defined left Brodmann area 44 and 45 truncated at 30 %. PPI.Hmax_AB_CD_cyto44_45.rslt 2nd level analysis of PPI analyses withinsubjANOVA_CondDep_SubjEq_SVC_Cyto44_45.rslt ANOVA for the main conditions (A-D) within the VOI.