Group population maps (ST[S,G][a,m,p]_left_populat.nii.gz of the STG/STS parcellation as 3D NFTI files. Each file represents the percentage of overlap of the STG/STS sub-areas within the group (20 Subjects, left hemisphere, 3 cluster). Group connectivity maps (ST[S,G][a,m,p]_left_populat_connect.nii.gz of the STG/STS parcellation as 3D NFTI files. Each file represent the group averaged connectivity of each STG/STS sub-area within the same group. Note: MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz is the single subject reference brain of the Montreal Neurological Institue (MNI space; Evans et al., Neuroimage 1:43-53, 1992) as provided with the FSL software. It can be visualized together with the IPCC populations maps with eg. FSLView.